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KVN team "Feng Shui" passed in «the First league of KVN»

They came back with a great mood and with no less than good results. This is anniversary season, the fiftieth season of KVN, or as it is called- a season of surprises.. «Feng shui»’s pass in the second round is the excellent result even for a skilled team, which comes on festival not for the first time, but for our team, which came for the first time, such outcome of events is just an accomplishment!

Our KVN team did not relax, but strenuously rehearsed before the second round. It was necessary to prove to everyone, including ourselves, that we passed in the second round not because of coincidence of circumstances. Here our team’s small bit of performance, even Alexander Vasilevich Maslyakov laughed at it:

(The girl speaks and does not become silent)
- Enough, be quiet. Stop it. Stop (he removes the ring and she pauses) Here, you see, silence is tin.
- Gold!
- Tin, tin...

- And what for here the tractor operator?
- Actually, I am a bunny!

Distribution on official KVN leagues and on the television KVN leagues was after the second round, among television leagues are: «the Higher Ukrainian league», «the First league», «the Prime league» and «the Higher league». The name of KVN team «Feng shui» is at the top of the list of «the First league», which takes place  in Minsk, Belarus and it is broadcast on television! Naturally, there was no limit of our joy. After all, it means that the aim of the trip is reached!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 February 2011 12:35  

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