Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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Regional Faculty

Dean – Ph.D. in History Morozova Elina Vasilyevna

Secretary – Soldatova Sofiya Georgievna

Chief methodologist - Kornyakova Tatyana Vladimirovna (coordinator of curriculum)

Methodologist – Afonasyeva Yana Vladimirovna (specialty – Jurisprudence)

Methodologist – Scherbakova Olga Dmitrievna (specialty – Economics and Management at Enterprise (Trade and Public Catering); Finances and Credit)

Senior methodologist – Volkova Aleksandra Dmitrievna (coordinator of branches in Kamensk-Uralsky, Lesnoi, Nizhny Tagil, and Zlatoust)

Senior methodologist – Rusakova Natalya Dmitrievna (coordinator of branches in Kurgan, Polevskoi and Krasnoturinsk)

In Yekaterinburg, students of the Institute’s largest faculty study Jurisprudence, Finances and Credit, Economy and Management at Enterprise (trade and public catering) in the spheres of Economics, Jurisprudence, Applied Informatics, Business Informatics and Management by correspondence. Students of the branches study Jurisprudence, Finances and Credit, Economy and Management at Enterprise (trade and public catering), Applied Informatics (in economy) in the spheres of Economics and Jurisprudence on all forms of tuition. You can find more information about professional education visiting pages of the faculties. Teaching staff of the Institute in Yekaterinburg guarantees a high quality education in our branches. 

Regional Faculty offers all necessary facilities for students to get the second higher education, additional education after graduating from the Institute and education before entering the Institute. For many years the educational program “school-technical school-institution of higher education” of the Ural Technical School of Economics and Law,  educational institutions of secondary general education (our partners) and the Regional Faculty of the Institute constantly provides professional education in economics and law.

Our branches are situated in the cities of Sverdlovsk Oblast (Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, Lesnoi, Polevskoi) and Kurgan Oblast. They are educational and research centers for young people, students’ self-realization and their professional development. Krasnoturinsk branch got a license in 2010.

The largest branches that have passed an attestation and accreditation independently (Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, Kurgan) have departments of the humanities, economic disciplines, and law disciplines. The main building of the Institute in Yekaterinburg constantly controls the quality of education in these branches.

The training of masters in law, economics and applied informatics starts in 2010. The Higher School of Administrativists is admitting students.

Our graduates work at our Institute, have postgraduate study and prepare for the Candidate’s dissertation at the same time.

Address of the Dean’s Office:
Yekaterinburg, ul. Sonya Morozova, 180, office 306
Tel./Fax: (343) 262-92-03, (343) 262-92-06
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Friday, 06 November 2015 15:02  

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