Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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The Final Students’ Scientific Conference of the Institute is Over

Pro-rector of scientific work, Doctor of Law, Professor D. N. Bakhrakh made a welcoming speech.

The conference was held by Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the department of constitutional law P.G. Schekochikhin.

Scientific supervisors of the conference made reports:

  • Head of the department of social and political disciplines of the UIEML, Doctor of Politics, Professor V. N. Rudenkin
  • Dean of the faculty of economics of the UIEML, Candidate of Economics, Docent T. N. Vnukovskaya.

Students of economic, law, and regional faculties (Lesnoi, Polevskoi, Kamensk-Uralsky) made factful reports.

According to the results of the conference, students were awarded with certificates for active participation in scientific and research activity of the Institute in 2009/2010.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 15:59  

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