Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of Victory

 Students and academics met with veterans of Oktyabrsky region of Yekaterinburg:


Marusev Evgeny Stepanovich

Granat Mikhail Grigoryevich

Dadamayts Sergei Antonovich

Dedyukhin Sergei Kuzmich

Sverdlov Boris Ruvinovich

Rakhmetov Davyatsha Abdurakhmanovich

There were also our academics – the veterans of the Great Patriotic War:

Kirillova Mariya Yakovlevna

Schekochikhin Pyotr Grigoryevich

This meeting was very exciting. Veterans told about war years and gave good and touching pieces of advice to boys.

 Students prepared greetings to the veterans – they sang songs and recited poetry.

After the grand meeting, the celebrations continued near the Institute: there was shooting gallery, porridge and tea, and competitions.

The whole street participated in our celebrations: passersby got ribbons of St. George, ate porridge and took part in competitions. Many boys came to the shooting gallery.

It is a wonderful, exciting, and happy holiday!

Last Updated on Friday, 27 April 2012 14:02  

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