Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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Scientific Activity of the Departments

Scientific work is planned and held on 14 scientific directions on issues assigned correspondingly to the departments of the Institute:

  • macroeconomic and microeconomic functioning of the Russian economy;
  • methodological approaches to the analysis of Russian economy integration into the world one;
  • improvement of public executive power activity in the Russian Federation;
  • improvement of rule-making and law-enforcement activity in the criminal law sphere of the Russian Federation;
  • history of social and economic development of the region;
  • functioning of banks and enterprises and perspective of their cooperation;
  • social and philosophical, psychological and culturological aspects of development of Russia;
  • rise of individual’s potential quality;
  • improvement of individual law and its defence in the Russian Federation;
  • mechanism of constitutional rights realization of individuals and citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • rise of efficiency of enterprises’ activity in the modern conditions;
  • development intensification of contractual relations in the sphere of management of economy;
  • foreign language teaching at the Institute;
  • <!information technologies in the education.

The Institute has 8 scientific schools that carry out research in the sphere of law, economics, history, political science and mathematics. From 2003 to 2008 32 monographs, 76 textbooks and teaching aids, 667 scientific articles, 23 collections of conference materials were published by the results of scientific research.

Teaching aids made by Professor Syromyatnikov V. N. and docent Smirnov A. S. have stamps of approval of Educational Methodological Association and Scientific Methodological Council. Teaching aid made by Professor Lichman B. V. has a stamp of approval of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The governing body of the Institute search actively and systematically new methods to stimulate scientific and educational methodological work at the Institute. An example of successful experience may be a competition of academic and professorial staff aimed to find best works (monographs, textbooks and teaching aids).

32 conferences were held at the Institute during 5 years: 4 conferences held between the institutions of higher education, 2 scientific and methodological conferences, 7 theoretical and practical conferences, 4 international and 15 students’ conferences. In addition there were 4 methodological seminars and 6 round-table conferences at the Institute.

Since 2007 a scientific and analytical journal Herald of the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law is published by the Institute. Everything is done to include this journal in the list of scientific editions recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee for publication of materials from dissertation research.

Since 2006 the Institute holds competitions of students’ best works. 92 students took part in these competitions. The winners are awarded with valuable gift and certificates of honor.

Last Updated on Thursday, 06 June 2013 14:36  

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