Practice Service
Students’ modern practical training is very important for the Institute. That’s why Practice Service was established. The task of the Service is to get into contact with enterprises where our students can pass practice and to organize their work.
Business banks, government and control bodies, large enterprises of the real sector and trade, investment, leasing and insurance companies are partners of the Institute.
Commercial Bank Severnaya Kazna (КБ «Северная казна»)
Commercial Bank of Support to Commerce and Business («СКБ»)
Commercial Bank Uralvneshtorgbank («Уралвнешторгбанк»)
Commercial Bank Uraltransbank («Уралтрансбанк»)
Federal Tax Police of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation
Committee of Housing and Communal services of Yekaterinburg
Entrepreneurship Support Centre of Sverdlovsk Oblast
Public corporation SladCo («Сладко»)
Public corporation Steel-Industrial Company («Сталепромышленная компания»)
Trading network Zvyozdnyi («Звездный»)
Trading network Metro («Метро»)
Trading network Superstroy («Суперстрой»)
Firm Chkalovsky («Чкаловский»)
Trading network Sinara («Синара»)
Investment and financial company Eurogreen («Еврогрин»)
Investment and financial company UnikumPartner («Уникумпартнер»)
Insurance company Severnaya Kazna (СК «Северная казна»)
Non-state Pension Fund Uralvagonzavod («Уралвагонзаводский»)
Leasing company Finance-leasing («Финанс-лизинг»)
Firm Gorshkov ("Горшков")
Experiment drafting department Peleng ("Пеленг")
Russian Insurance Centre
Mobile TeleSystems
Closed Corporation Bank Trust ("Траст")
Closed Corporation Bank
Khanty-Mansiysk Non-State Pension Fund
Closed Corporation Uralprivatbank ("Уралприватбанк")
Ltd. Freestyle ("Свободный стиль")
Insurance company AIG Life ("АИГ Лайф")
Centre of Machine-Building Economy
Consulting firm Business-Master CIS ("Бизнес-Мастер СНГ")
Publishing house InterMediaGroup Ural ("ИнтерМедиаГруп Урал")
Ltd. Alternative ("Альтернатива")
Many students can get temporary or regular job depending on the results of their practice.