Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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Department of Social, Political and Psychological Disciplines

Aim of the Department

The department is an educational and scientific unit of the Institute. Its aim is the realization of educational process, scientific, methodological, research, and educational work as well as educational process improvement.

Scientific and Research Sphere

“Quality of human potential in Russia: state and perspectives”

Department’s Tasks

The main task of the department is a high-quality organization and realization of academic, methodological and educational work with students, scientific research in the sphere of department’s specialization, personnel training and its advanced training.

Department’s work is aimed to training of specialists with profound theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities and high professional qualification.

The department is responsible for realization at high scientific and methodological level all kinds of studies on all forms of education.

It assists in making curricula (working plans) for specialties (specializations) in accordance with state educational standards of higher professional education.

It develops and introduces new technologies of educational process.

The department constantly improves the teaching quality. It improves the quality of lectures as they’re a leading form of education; activates practical trainings, seminars and independent studies as they are an effective way to consolidate knowledge; controls students’ studies, knowledge and skills they get and the development of their creative abilities; holds examinations and tests and analyses the results.

It organizes additional work on disciplines of the department in order to extend students’ knowledge, skills and to improve their educational activity.

It carries out teaching personnel training and its professional development; establishes relations with departments of other institutions of higher education; studies, generalizes and popularizes the experience of the best academics; provides support for academics who start working; takes part in scientific and research work of the Institute.


  • History of political and law studies
  • Political science
  • Philosophy
  • Logics
  • Psychology and pedagogy
  • Sociology
  • Philosophy of management
  • Young people and politics
  • Philosophy of law
  • Method of successful job search and job placement
  • Problems of labour migration
  • Ethics of entrepreneurship
  • Legal psychology
  • Fundamentals of  psychodiagnostics

Department’s Staff:

Head of the department, D.Sc. in Politics, Professor Rudenkin Vasily Nikolaevich


Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor Morozova Elina Vasilyevna
Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor Zayakina Olga Aleksandrovna
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor Logachyova Oksana Viktorovna
Academic Khudyakova Marina Sergeevna
D.Sc. in Philosophy, Professor Pivovarov Daniil Valentinovich
D.Sc. in Philosophy, Professor Ivanova Evgeniya Vladimirovna

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 April 2015 12:19  


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ул. Луначарского, 194
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