Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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Scholarships and Grants

As the Institute is a non-state institution of higher education it means that it is not financed by the government. But one of the goals of the Institute is to be democratic, so that low- income people could study at the Institute, because many students work and pay for their education.

We meet those who want to study halfway. According to the regulations of the Institute some students can get benefits, scholarships and grants.

Students with the best progress can get scholarships of the Board of Founders. In 2007-2008 more than 50 students of the Institute got nominal scholarships. The Institute regularly holds competitions of scientific and research works and the winners get grants to carry out a scientific activity. For example, in 2008 5 students of the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law got grants at the rate of 25000 roubles.

Last Updated on Monday, 14 March 2016 15:30  

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