The exhibition became a unique discussion ground for the newest technological advances and issues related to the Russian innovations market development that is essential for Russian industry modernization and competitiveness growth.
The governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast, Misharin Aleksander S., invited the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law to participate in INNOPROMM – 2010 exhibition. The Institute presented its project of corporative information network organization in practice. The project was very popular and even the governor was interested in it.
The advantages of communication and information technologies use at the modern institution of higher education could be seen on the stand of the Institute.
The representative of the Institute, Docent of the department of applied informatics, A.V. Skripov, defeated the robot of Ural Federal University in draughts. It should be mentioned that not everybody could do this.
We hope that the Ural International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations INNOPROM – 2010 will favor the economic development of our country.